
LinkedIn Hacks for Financial Advisors

November 22nd, 2023 | Myriad Advisor Solutions

IT’S NO SECRET that leveraging LinkedIn effectively can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility – especially in the fast-paced world of financial advising. Throughout the course of helping thousands of advisors craft a distinct online presence that drives traffic, clicks, and conversions, Myriad Advisor Solutions has gathered some of the best actionable strategies tailored for financial advisors to maximize their impact on the platform.

1. Regular Posting: Stay Visible and Informed

Consistently share relevant content, such as articles, industry updates, and insights. This not only positions you as an authority in your field but also keeps you at the forefront of your network's feed. It doesn’t even have to be YOUR content – you can post a link and give 1-2 sentences of brief reflection, for example.

2. Thoughtful Comments: Build Relationships Through Engagement

Engage with others' posts by leaving thoughtful comments. Generic responses won't cut it; instead, provide valuable insights or ask insightful questions. This fosters meaningful conversations and strengthens your connections. While it does have to be meaningful, it doesn’t always have to be serious – posting to ‘slice of life’ or ‘show your pet’ threads can help humanize you!

3. Strategic Hashtags: Expand Your Reach

Incorporate relevant hashtags into your posts to increase their discoverability. Research and identify popular hashtags in your industry and use them strategically. This expands your reach beyond your immediate connections and connects you with a broader audience. This can especially help you stand out when commenting on content related to current events.

3. Strategic Hashtags: Expand Your Reach

Incorporate relevant hashtags into your posts to increase their discoverability. Research and identify popular hashtags in your industry and use them strategically. This expands your reach beyond your immediate connections and connects you with a broader audience. This can especially help you stand out when commenting on content related to current events.

4. Customized URL: Make a Professional Impression

This one is easy. Customize your LinkedIn profile URL to make it user-friendly and professional. A personalized URL is not only easier to share but also adds a touch of professionalism to your profile. Head to the "edit public profile & URL" section to tailor your URL. This takes 5 seconds - go do it right now!

5. Share Valuable Insights: Establish Thought Leadership

Write and share blog posts directly on LinkedIn to showcase your expertise. Share insights, case studies, or industry analyses to position yourself as a thought leader. LinkedIn's article feature is a powerful tool for sharing in-depth content. Don’t know where to start here? Simply ask Myriad’s expert copywriters and content creators!

6. Connect Strategically: Quality Over Quantity

While a large network is great, you should prioritize quality connections over quantity. Connect with professionals who align with your industry or have the potential for mutually beneficial relationships. Personalize connection requests to increase acceptance rates. Don’t connect with people randomly – that’s what the bots do!

6. Connect Strategically: Quality Over Quantity

While a large network is great, you should prioritize quality connections over quantity. Connect with professionals who align with your industry or have the potential for mutually beneficial relationships. Personalize connection requests to increase acceptance rates. Don’t connect with people randomly – that’s what the bots do!

7. LinkedIn Groups: Join and Participate

Join relevant LinkedIn groups related to finance, investments, or your niche. Actively participate in discussions, share your expertise, and learn from others. This not only boosts your visibility but also enhances your knowledge and network. This is another one you can complete right now!

8. Utilize Multimedia: Diversify Your Content

Don't limit yourself to text-based posts. Incorporate multimedia elements like images, infographics, and videos to make your content more engaging. Not only are visuals proven methods for increasing engagement, they can also help convey complex financial concepts in an accessible way.

All in all, implementing these LinkedIn strategies for financial advisors can help you establish a robust online presence, build meaningful connections, and position yourself as a trusted expert in the competitive world of financial advising.

Consistency, engagement, and strategic networking are the keys to success on this professional platform. It takes time and energy – unless you’ve got a trusted partner like Myriad on your side. Our digital marketing experts have enabled countless financial advisors to create a vibrant online presence that drives sales. E-mail us at or call 515.850.1226 to push the easy button for everything regarding your online presence!